# Instruction guide to deploy auto backup system on vps ## About this guide * Helps you deploy auto backup system on vps. * It will create backup of NC, Gitea and influxdb for historical data of forex and bkm * Upload this backup on Wasabi cloud * Purge backups on vps and wasabi cloud * Last but not the Generates some logs etc. ##Usage 1. Go to roles -> auto-backup -> defaults -> main.yml * Provide details of NC and Gitea databases 2. After that run following command to start deploying auto backup on vps `$ansible-playbook -i inventory/inventory.ini playbooks/auto-backup-playbook.yml` 3. Lastly you need to execute purging system, run following command `$ansible-playbook -i inventory/inventory.ini playbooks/purge-backup-playbook.yml` ## Other configs * Auto backs are scheduled using systemd service and timers, if you want to configure auto back timer you can go to `playbooks/auto-backup-playbook.yml` Under `unit_config` you can provide new time for each timer. * Purging system can also be customized, go to `playbooks/purge-backup-playbook.yml` Again under `unit_config`, you will find timer where you can change time for this.